Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Drive Speedometer

This program is 100% FREE v1.0.0

Mirror 1 (
Mirror 2 (
Mirror 3 (
Mirror 4 (
Mirror 5 (
Mirror 6 (

  (Direct Download)
Setup File Info: (1.84 MB)  

Zip File (Non Setup) Portable Version (Direct Download)

What is MD5 hash? MD5 hash is a code made from every byte of the file, if the file is different in any way the md5 hash will change.
(HashTab is a great easy tool to use to check the md5 hash of files)

Drive Speedometer is a program I made to help monitor the current read and writes speeds of you hard drives.

Benefits include:

1. When your system is running slow yet your CPU usage and memory usage are fine, it is normally the hard drive being maxed out. Now you will be able to keep an eye on the hard drive performance.
2. When a drive is slowly dying it will run slower and slower. Being aware of what your normal drive speeds are and seeing those speed drop over time is a great indicator it is time to replace the drive.
3. Being a performance nut myself I like knowing what my system is doing. When I have a program doing some work and appears to be hung up I can see if it is still reading or writing to the drive. This way I know the program isn't hung up and is still working.
The program uses the Windows performance counters to pull the information. If you have disabled your performance counters I have included a reg file in the setup to enable them again. Run the reg file and reboot. Your performance counters will be working again.
I have also included some pre made bar fill graphics. Including some to use when running the monitor in compact mode. You can of course make your own as well.

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